Race 8, Second Place
For the eighth and final race of the fall season was also Claire’s last Kid Kart Race.  There were seven kids competing and it was a great day for racing.    The schedule was two heats and a main.
In the first heat Claire was in fourth place for the start.  She moved up to third on the first run down the back straight.  A few laps later she made a pass for second.  By that point Sarah had a very large lead and Claire was not able to catch her.
In the second heat Claire started in third position.  By the first turn of the first lap she had moved up to second.  On the second turn of the first lap she got loose and fell back to third again.  Through the course of the race she was able to make two nice passes on the back straight and move back up to second.  Sarah was able to pass Claire as they were working their way through traffic and she was able to maintain the lead until the finish for the win.
Claire started in second for the main.  There were some spins that had to be avoided and lapped traffic to deal with but she was able to maintain second for the full race.
Sarah had a dominating day with wins in both heats and the main.  Claire was happy for Sarah because she said it was her turn to win every race in one day.  Claire and Sarah both have been practicing in their Cadet Karts and they are looking forward to moving up next year.
Casebolt Racing
Sunday, December 7, 2008