Claire’s 1st Cadet Race, Mission Accomplished
Moving into a competitive class has been a big jump for Claire and myself.  The kart is much faster and there are multiple adjustments that can make the kart handle better.  Because of the rules Claire is required to start from the back of the pack for the heat and the main race no matter how she qualifies.  She will have to do this for her first three races.  After she has safely completed three races she will be allowed to remove the rookie X from her back number plate.  Because of this Claire and I decided to set goals that we can work through during the first three races.
The goal for the first race was to finish without crashing or spinning.
Qualifying is a new experience for Claire.  The karts are sent out on the track spread out 4-5 at a time.  After a one lap warm up they get a green flag lap a white flag lap and then the checkered flag.  Claire went out and drove three nice clean laps.  She qualified last but that doesn’t matter because she has to start at the back anyway.
During the ten lap heat Claire started in 10th position.  On the second lap she was able to pass one kart that had a slight bobble for 9th place.  On the fourth lap one of the karts in the lead pack slid off the track at the hairpin at the end of the long back straight.  This moved Claire up to eighth place.  She was able to maintain eighth place for the rest of the race.
For the main Claire again started in 10th position.  On the second or third lap she was able get a good run on the turn leading to the back straight and she was able to make a nice  pass for ninth place.  She was able to maintain ninth place for the duration of the race.  At times she was even able to pull out a lead but the other driver had caught her by the end of the race.  He was not able to pass her and she finished in ninth place.
It was a great day of racing.  Claire was able to not only accomplish her goals for the day, she was also make some passes and gain positions from her starting place.  
Casebolt Racing
Sunday, February 22, 2009