Claire’s Third Race / Second Win!
Claire’s third race had seven karts competing.  The format was 2 eight lap heats and a ten lap main.
In the first eight lap heat Claire started in 7th place.  She got a very good start and passed 2 karts before passing the start / finish line.  She proceeded to pass another kart before turn 3 at the end of the front straight.  She was now in 4th place only one third through the first lap of the race.  She drove smoothly and kept the 3rd place kart in her sight.  She passed the 3rd place kart on the back straight during the second lap.  On the third lap Brendan in kart #48 who had been in the lead lost his chain and broke down.  Claire’s friend Megan in the #16 kart took the lead.  Megan had a substantial lead because of everyone else getting slowed down by the caution flag when Brendan broke down.  Claire drove very smoothly and was starting to catch up with Megan by the end of the race.  She finished in second place.
In the second eight lap heat Claire started in 6th place.  Again she got a great start and was able to pass multiple karts before the end of the front strait.  Megan in the #16 kart took the lead with Brendan in the #48 kart in second, Claire  was now in third place.  After a few laps Megan had a spin in turn 3 and Brendan and Claire were both able to pass her.    This moved Brendan to the lead and Claire to second place.  By the end of the race Claire was able to catch up to Brendan and she was right on his back bumper as they crossed the finish line.
The ten lap main.  Because it was Claire’s third beginner race the rules said that she should start in 6th place.  Of course the rules state that the Race Director can make a judgment of a drivers abilities and wave their beginners status at any time.
Because she had finished second in both of the heat races the Race Director waved her beginner status and placed her in second on the starting grid.  Brendan #48 was in first and Megan #16 was in third.  Again Claire had a great start and she was able to take the lead from Brendan before the end of the front straight and Megan was able to move up to second place.  On the back straight Brendan was successful in passing Megan move into second place.  Claire drove smoothly and quickly and started to build a small gap between her and Brendan.  A few laps later Brendan had a spin, dropping him to 5th place.  Megan was now second behind Claire.  Claire had a substantial lead because Megan was slowed when Brendan spun.  By the 5th lap Megan was starting to catch up to Claire and Brendan was working his way back through the pac.  On the 7th lap kart #11 tried to pass Megan on the back straight and made contact with her kart.  Megan’s kart was thrown off the track and she spun in the dirt.  Megan fell back to 5th place before she could get back on the track.  Soon after Megan’s spin Brendan was able to pass #11 and move up to second place.  For the last three laps Brendan was trying to catch Claire.  He was not able to get close enough to pass and Claire won the race with a one and a half kart length lead from the last corner to the finish line.  
After the race Claire and Amelia took the X off of Claire’s back number plate.  She now has a full racing license for the Kid Kart class.  
Casebolt Racing News
Saturday, May 24, 2008