Claire’s Second Race / First Win!
Claire’s second race only had three kid karts competing.  The format was 2 six lap heats and an eight lap main.
In the first six lap heat race Claire started in third.  She was able to pass the #11 kart who started in second.  On the 5th lap she had a spin in turn 2 and #11 was able to regain second place.  Claire finished Third.
In the second six lap heat kart #11 did not make it to the starting grid due to mechanical problems.  Claire in second and her friend Megan in first.  At the drop of the green flag Megan had problems with her start and Claire pulled away for a large lead.  Claire was able to maintain her lead and and she was able to increase the gap between her an Megan.  On the 5th lap Claire had a spin on turn 2.  Because of the large lead that she had built up she was able to recover and maintain the lead for the last lap.
During the eight lap main Megan started first, Claire started in second and #11 was in third.  Megan again had problems with her start and Claire and #11 were able to take advantage and pass her.  Once Megan got up to speed the three karts were evenly spread out with about 4 kart lengths between each of them.  They maintained the even spread for the next few laps.  Megan started to gain on #11 during the sixth lap.  Also on the sixth lap Claire had a slight bobble on turn 2 that closed up the gap between her and #11.  Claire was able to make a smooth exit out of turn three and regain a 3 kart lead.  By the beginning of the eighth and final lap Claire was back to a solid 4 kart lead.  Megan was able to make a beautiful pass on the back straight and gain second place.  The gap between Claire and Megan was enough that Megan was not able to catch Claire before the checkered flag.
Casebolt Racing News
Sunday, April 27, 2008