Claire’s First Race
There were 7 kid karts competing.  Claire and another were both first time racers.
Because it was one of the first three race days for Claire she had to have an X on her number plate and she had to start from the back during the heats and the main race.  
In the first eight lap heat race Claire started in 7th and passed 2 karts to finish in 5th place.
In the second eight lap heat race Claire started in 6th place.  She passed one kart on the first lap and made 2 great passes on the back straight to work her way up to 3rd place.  She had a spin on the second to last lap on turn 2 and it put her down to 5th place.  She finished in 5th place.
I the ten lap main she started in 6th place and had a good start and moved up to 5th by the first corner.  She passed another kart on the back straight and moved up to 4th.  On the second corner of the second lap the top 3 karts got tangled up on the outside and Claire went to the inside to pass for 2nd place.  As the karts were exiting the corner Claire was hit and her kart spun into the dirt.  The balance of the field passed her and she was able to rejoin the race in 7th place.  During the rest of the race she was able to pass 2 karts and finish in 5th place.
Claire was was very happy to have finished her first race.  When I asked her if she wanted to race in the next race in two weeks she yelled “YES”.
Casebolt Racing News
Sunday, April 13, 2008