Claire gets her racing license
Claire started karting in January of 2008.  She and I had been going to the track about once a week.  She decided that she wanted to start racing in the middle of March.
At the Tuesday Night training session she asked Josh Lyon the club trainer to test her for her racing license.  Her driving was good enough so she just needed to prove that she understood the flags and could race safely.  To start her test Josh gave her a black flag while she was practicing.  The black flag means that you need to drive into the pits for instruction from the Race Director.  It is usually only given when a drive does something wrong.  Claire saw the black flag and pointed at herself and then proceeded to drive into the pints just like she should.  Josh and I walked into the pits and when she drove up to us she flipped up the visor on her helmet and said “What did I do wrong?”  Josh said “nothing it is all about what you did right, that is exactly what you should do when you get a black flag.  Now hop out of your kart so you can have the rest of your test.
Josh sat Claire down on a bench and tested her by showing her each of the flags and asking her their meaning.  She got every one right except for the blue with an orange stripe.  Josh explained that flag means that a faster driver is behind you and you should let them pass when it is safe.  Josh then congratulated Claire and explained that she would have to put an X on the back number plate of her kart and start from the back for her first three race days.
Casebolt Racing News
Monday, March 17, 2008